Employee Payments
The employee payments section can be used to keep track of any payments (aside from expenses, salary and benefits) which have been made directly to an employee.
Before this can be used, a system administrator will need to create 'Employee Payment Reasons' which can be used as categories to keep track of different types of payments.
To create payment reasons, go to:
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Employee Payment reasons
To add a new payment reason simply click Add.
On this page, you can choose a name for the payment reason, enter optional comments, and choose whether to include payments of this type in the employee's total rewards statement. If you choose to include it in the total rewards statement, you can choose how you wish to display the total for this type, and there are 3 options available:
- Most recent only
- Last 12 months
- Current financial year
Finally, set the status to "Active" to be able to use this payment reason when adding an employee payment.
Once you have done this, you will be able to use these payment reasons when you add a payment to an employee. To add a payment click on the "Payments" icon on the employee card. This will present you with the following page:
On this page you can choose a payment reason, a title for the payment, add an optional description, and choose a from date (mandatory) and to date (optional). You can also optionally choose a payment frequency. Finally, you can choose a payment value and the currency the payment will be made in.
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