How do I search the Employee Directory?
In your company directory, you can search for employees by first name, last name site and departments and also by various titles such as First Aider, Fire Warden and Key Holder
These various employee titles are set on the employee file in:
People -> Employees -> Edit -> 'Other Information'
Provided that you have employees that have these titles set in this area, you will then get the option to search by these in the directory 'Other' drop-down list.
People -> Directory
Last Name, First Name and Telephone number are text fields - Please enter part of the information you are looking for and click on the filter button for this to present the findings.
Please note: the search for telephone numbers is restricted to work landline and work mobile numbers only.
All the other filters are dropdowns - Please use the search or scroll within the dropdown to find what you are looking for and click on 'Filter' to bring up the results
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