Exit Reasons
When you are creating a leaver you have the option to select a reason as to why the employee is leaving your business, this is called an Exit Reason. You can customise and create your own exit reasons by going to:
Administration -> HR ->Data Management -> Exit Reasons
From this screen you will see several options that allow you to customise your exit reasons as shown below:
As well as the general text fields to customise the exit reason, there are also the following options that you can select from and customise:
- Voluntary - This marks whether the exit reason is a Voluntary or Involuntary exit reason type. This can be reported on via the reporting tools.
- User groups - These user groups dictate who can make employees a leaver using this specific exit reason. For example setting "Admin" will only allow administrators to see this exit reason when making an employee a leaver.
- Workflow - This setting allows you to trigger a task workflow upon making the employee a leaver. This is perfect for triggering off-boarding workflows for example. Once a workflow is chosen and the Leaver page is submitted the workflow will immediately begin and the first step will wait for it's trigger to be met.
Once created, your exit reasons will then appear in the "Reason" drop down list when making an employee a leaver. You can also "Add" a new exit reason from the Leaver screen if an appropriate option does not already exist:
Please Note: If you assign one workflow at all to an exit reason this will disable the offboarding workflow field when making someone a leaver meaning you will no longer have the option of choosing which workflow will trigger, it will always use the exit reason workflow.
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