Displaying Company Mission Statement, Visions, Values and Behaviours
Within the Enterprise version of Natural HR, administrators have the ability to display the company's mission statement, vision, values and behaviours on the home screen of employee self-service accounts.
How will this help my business?
By making sure that employees are aware of the company's vision, mission and values this will help to reinforce the direction of the business in their minds and help them to achieve the common goal.
How do I set this up?
As an administrator, navigate to:
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Company information
Scroll down to the Company Culture section.
Within the Company Culture section, you will see the text fields to enter your company's mission statement, vision, up to 5 values and up to 5 behaviours.
For Values and Behaviours, the titles will be displayed as bullet points on the home screen of the employee accounts. The descriptions will display as tooltips when the user hovers over the title to give extra information around each of the particular value or behaviour.
Important Note: Any information entered into these fields will be made publicly available to all users within your company.
Additionally, by having your company values entered, you can recognise employees for delivering on them. Take a look at our social recognition article to find out more.
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