Getting started - Adding or Editing a Job Status
There is only one field to fill in on this form but, in itself, the term Job status can be quite ambiguous.
In HR, job status is a depiction of whether the employee in question is full-time, part-time, temporary, permanent, casual, contractor, intern or whatever other overarching description you choose to use to define individual employees and roles - the information in this field allows you to filter and group on reports so it ideally should be something informative but you can use it for anything you like.
To add or edit job statuses, simply browse to:
Administration -> HR -> Data management -> Job Status
From this page you can manage existing job statuses and add new ones.
To add a new job status simply click the Add button at the bottom of the page.
On this page you can enter all the relevant information for your new job status:
Job Status: This is the name of the new job status.
Contract Type: What kind of contract are employees with this job status on? Available options are:
- Permanent
- Temporary
- Contractor
- Zero Hours
- Other
Full time / Part time: Is this job status full or part time?
Google Status: Google's job portal has a pre-defined list of allowed job statuses and therefore cannot use the bespoke job statuses entered onto HR, as such you can choose a job status to display on Google's job board from this pre-defined list. The available options are:
Payroll code: A payroll code provides easier identification for your finance users, payroll codes can be created within
Administration -> HR -> Data Management -> Payroll Codes
Once Payroll codes are added to the system, they will then be available for selection in this field.
Display in jobs portal filter: If you choose YES this status will be displayed in the jobs filter/search on the jobs portal (if used).
Active: Is this job status currently active or not?
Once you have filled in all of the above information and are happy with the job status simply click Submit to finalise its creation.
To edit an existing job status simply click the Actions button followed by Submit, to delete a job status click Delete rather than Edit:
You can also bulk manage job statuses using the checkboxes next to the job status name, simply click the checkboxes of each job status you'd like to manage and then click the Bulk Actions drop down in the bottom right corner of the screen, this will then show you the following options:
The Archive option will move the selected job status(es) to the archived page and remove them from the Active page. Archived job statuses cannot be used but can be edited, deleted and restored back to active.
The delete option is the same as deleting a job status via the Actions button, the selected status(es) will be removed from the system completely and cannot be restored.
Once job statuses are created and made Active they can be selected when adding an employee or by going to an existing employee's change page.
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