Offboarding (with exit interview) Workflow Recipe
This workflow recipe will provide the steps to create and configure a workflow for a simple offboarding process including an exit interview, within this process the workflow will instruct the HR team to create a resignation confirmation for the leaver, send an exit interview form to the employee's manager, forward that form onto the HR team for review, notify the finance and facilities teams of the leaver, let the recruitment team know that there is a vacancy in the leaver's role and also send a last working day reminder to the employee's manager.
If you're interested in creating your own offboarding workflow this recipe can provide a bit of a head start in regards to the workflow configuration, how to set up various workflow step types as well as how to set your step triggers so that tasks are assigned at the correct time intervals. You can then add to the workflow after it's creation in order to customise the workflow for your own process.
To begin following this guide you'll first need to navigate into Administration -> HR -> Workflows and click Add.
The Workflow
Workflow Name: Offboarding (with exit interview)
Category: Task
Type: offboarding
Only Trigger Once Per Day: No
Trigger against leavers/archived employees? Yes
Trigger against employees in probation? Yes
All comments visible: No
Restrictions: Add as required
Length of service (years): Blank
Only manager roles? No
Active: Yes.
Once you've submitted this page you should be redirected to the Workflow steps page, this workflow is nice and simple so we won't have to do much work here, to start just click Add Step.
Workflow Steps
Step 1
Name: Create resignation confirmation for [employee_name].
Description: Add as required.
Type: Assign To.
Recipient(s): HR Mailbox
Message Subject: Resignation confirmation required for [employee_name]
Message Content:
Hi Team,
[employee_name] is leaving on [employee_last_working_day], please ensure their resignation confirmation is complete and mark this workflow action as done.
Sensitive Message: Unticked.
Send message as plain text: Unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 1.
When should this happen? 0 days after creation date.
Escalation Options:
I've set two escalation options in this step, they are both just reminders for the HR team and are as follows:
This means that the HR Mailbox will receive a reminder after 4 days and another reminder after 1 week if they haven't already completed the workflow action.
The workflow step should now look like so:
Once the workflow step is complete just click Submit and then we'll configure the next step.
Step 2
Name: Please complete exit interview form.
Description: Add as required.
Type: Send new form.
Form: Exit interview form.
Recipient(s): Employee's Manager
Message Subject: Please Complete Exit Interview Form.
Message Content:
Hi [current_manager_first_name],
Please schedule a meeting with [employee_name] and complete the attached exit interview form and Complete it once it's filled in.
Sensitive Message: Unticked.
Send message as plain text: Unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 2
When should this happen? 0 days after last workflow action.
Escalation Options: I've set 2 escalation options for this workflow step, similarly to the above they send a reminder out to the manager after 4 days then 1 week.
The workflow step should now look like so:
Step 3
Name: Please review exit interview form for [employee_name]
Description: Add as required.
Type: Send exiting form.
Form in step: Step 2
Recipient(s): HR Mailbox.
Message Subject: Please review exit interview form for -employee_name]
Message Content:
Hi Team,
Please review and Complete exit interview form for [employee_name].
Sensitive Message: Unticked.
Send message as plain text: Unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 3
When should this happen? 0 days after last workflow action.
Escalation Options:
I've set two escalation options in this step, they are both just reminders for the HR team and are as follows:
The workflow step should now look like so:
Step 4
Name: Leaver Notification.
Description: Add as required.
Type: Send email to specified recipient.
Recipient(s): Finance Mailbox | Facilities Mailbox
Message Subject: Leaver Notification
Message Content:
Hi Team,
[employee_name] will be leaving on [employee_last_working_day], please ensure their company provided devices are returned and documented and ensure that the require payroll changes are made.
Sensitive Message: Unticked.
Send message as plain text: unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 2.
When should this happen? 1 week before last working day.
Escalation Options: Not available for this step type.
The workflow step should now look like so:
Once the workflow step is complete just click Submit and then we'll configure the next step.
Step 5
Name: Please set up a new vacancy for [employee_current_job_title}
Type: Send email to specified recipient
Recipient(s): Recruitment Team Members
Message Subject: Please set up a new vacancy for [employee_current_job_title}
Message Content:
Hi Team,
One of our [employee_current_job_title] roles will be vacated on [employee_last_working_day], please create a new vacancy in order to fill this position.
Sensitive Message: unticked.
Send message as plain text: unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 3
When should this happen? 0 days after last action
Escalation Options: Not available for this step type.
The workflow step should now look like so:
Once the workflow step is complete just click Submit and then we'll configure the next step.
Step 6
Name: Final day reminder.
Description: Add as required.
Type: Assign to.
Recipient(s): Employee's Manager.
Message Subject: Final day reminder
Message Content:
Hi [current_manager_first_name],
It's [employee_name]'s last day today, please ensure all offboarding tasks are complete before the end of the day and mark this action as complete.
Sensitive Message: Unticked.
Send message as plain text: Unticked.
Custom button link: Blank.
Custom button text: Blank.
Workflow step order: 4
When should this happen? 0 days after last working day
Escalation Options: Unticked.
The workflow step should now look like so:
Once the workflow is set active it will begin working, if there is no other offboarding workflow in the system it will automatically trigger leavers when they are marked as a leaver and given a leave date. If more than one offboarding workflow is active on the system and is applicable to the leaver then a dropdown will appear allowing the user to choose which offboarding workflow to publish.
This is a simple recipe for an offboarding workflow which can be used in full or just used as the foundation of your own workflow so if you'd like to use this as a guide and then add in your own steps and tweaks it's a good way to give you a head start and get the basics complete before building up your full process.
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