Bulk Upload - Employee Systems
The below article is relating to the bulk upload - Employee Systems which can be found by going to
Administration -> Company -> Bulk Upload
The Employee Systems Bulk Upload can be found within the Non Core Data section:
This bulk upload allows you to add Employee Systems to the system.
When you load the page the most important parts relating to bulk upload are at the top of the page:
Employee Field - This field is used to identify which employee you are assigning an asset to, using this field dictates how the employee is identified, via name, works ID or system ID. We recommending always using either Works ID or System ID as these are unique numbers whereas a name is not necessarily unique.
Add New Types: If you wish for the upload to create new system types for any that do not match one already in the system then select Yes.
CSV file to upload
This is where you will load your CSV when it is ready to upload. Press browse and select the CSV file.
Download help file and instructions
This option will download our bulk upload help file. This includes instructions on how to use each bulk upload and lets you know which columns are mandatory and which are optional, it's important to look at the relevant help file before performing a bulk upload so you can get it right the first time.
Download CSV Model
The second option downloads an example template for you to use for the bulk upload with all the headers needed for the bulk upload to be successful.
Editing your CSV
When you download your sample CSV file it will look like this:
Employee: The employee you're uploading the system for, the field value should match the select employee field on the upload page (system ID, name or works ID). This field is Mandatory and Case Sensitive.
System Name: The name of the system being uploaded in this record. This field is Mandatory and Case Sensitive.
System Level: The access level for this employee on this system, this should match an existing user level in the system exactly as it's entered.. This field is Mandatory and Case Sensitive.
Login Name: The username for this employee's system account. This field is Mandatory.
Comments: Any general comments about this system. This field is Optional.
Date: The date that this login was added. This field is Mandatory.
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