Employee Gender Report Recipe
In some cases diversity quotas require the use of gender-based reports, this is a simple report recipe for such a report. The included fields are mostly up to you and there is more than one way to do this within report builder, I'll detail the configuration for this report below, to begin navigate into Reporting -> Report Builder:
Once you're in Report Builder click the Add button to create a new report.
Report builder is cut up into various sections for each aspect of the report, I'll name each section below and then list what the value(s) for that section should be.
Report Builder
- Select a Report Type - Table.
- Select a Data Source - Employees.
- Select a Report Name - Employee Gender Report (or anything suitable).
- Select a Report Description - Add as required.
- Select Report Category - Add as required.
- Select Fields - Employee ID, Full Name, Pronouns, Site, Department, Job Title, Manager? Entered Salary, FTE, Gender. (if you'd like to see any further information then simply select one of the available fields and the data will then appear for each record once the report is viewed.
- Select Group By Field - Gender. This will bundle all employees of each possible gender together to allow for easy data navigation.
- Select Aggregates - Gender Count. - This will tally up the number of employees in each gender group.
- Select Order By: - Null.
Select Filters - In my example I'm trying to view all active employees so the only filter I've added is Active | Equals | Active.
- At this stage you can also add filters for things like department or site in order to refine the data you're seeing if you'd like a report from a specific demographic etc.
Table Options:
- CSV Field Separator: Comma (this field just specifies what character is used to separate the fields when exporting it to a CSV, comma is the most common choice but ultimately it's entirely your choice.
Once complete, click the Save button followed by View Report. Your report should look something like this:
So we've listed all active employee records, grouped them by gender and counted how many records there are in each group.
If you'd like to show different information in your own version of the report feel free to add/remove fields as you see fit, the key is to just ensure that the Gender field is always present as you can only group by fields you're reporting on.
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