Age Band Column Report Recipe
This report recipe will show you the steps to create a column chart which displays the number of employees within each age band on the system, this can be helpful for diversity reporting.
To get started navigate into Reporting -> Report Builder
Once you're in Report Builder click the Add button to create a new report.
Report builder is cut up into various sections for each aspect of the report, I'll name each section below and then list what the value(s) for that section should be.
Report Builder
- Select a Report Type - Column Chart.
- Select a Data Source - Employees.
- Select a Report Name - Age Band.
- Select a Report Description - Add as required.
- Select Report Category - Add as required.
- Select Label Axis - Age Band.
- Select Value Axis - Employee ID | Count | Blank.
- Select Groups - NULL.
- Select Filters - Active | Equals | Active.
Chart Options:
- Display Option:
- Minimal view chart - Unticked.
Order Options:
- Order by label - a-z.
- Order by value - Unticked.
Value Options:
- Show zero values? - Ticked.
- Rotate values? - Unticked.
- Hide Values? Unticked.
Legend Options:
- Show legend? - Unticked.
Trend Line Options
- Show Trend - Unticked.
Target Line Options:
- Show Target Line? Unticked.
Step Options:
- Step Interval - Blank.
- Upper Limit - Blank.
- Lower Limit - Blank.
Drilldown Options:
- Enable Drilldown? - Unticked.
- Display Option:
Once complete click Save Report followed by View Report, your report should now look something like this:
This is a very simple guide on creating an age band column chart to display the breakdown of ages across your organisation, it can be built upon and adapted in order to refine or change the data which is displayed or you can add drilldown reports in order to display different data when bars are selected. This report recipe can be used as a head start to creating your own bar chart reports in NaturalHR and can then be expanded upon later on, or just left as is to display your own data the same way mine does above.
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