Monthly Review Form Recipe
This form recipe will detail the steps required to create a simple monthly review/121 form. If you'd like to use this recipe as a base-line for creating your own form it's a good way to get a complete form which you can add to or alter after it's creation.
The Form
There are a few different fields within the form creation page which we need to configure, please find them listed below along with the values we'll use.
- Form Name - 121 Form
- Form Description - Add as required.
- Form Type - Performance Review.
- Visible to employee: No.
- Option to lock form response(s): Yes - Unlocked upon publishing.
- Table display date field: None.
- Table displays label field: None.
- Form Tag - Add as required.
- Rotate Download - No (this is entirely up to you regarding how you'd like form downloads to display in a CSV).
- Job Role: Add as required.
- Only usable in workflow?: If you'd rather use a workflow for your monthly review process we have a workflow recipe for this available here: Monthly Review Workflow Recipe – Natural HR Support.
- Trigger Workflow on Submission - Blank
- Status - Active.
Once those fields are all filled in click Submit, you should then see a green success banner.
If you now click the Build Form button you'll be taken into the form builder where we can add in our fields.
Form Builder
Employee Section:
- Field Display Label - Employee Section Start.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - Start.
- Values - Blank.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update.
- No advanced options needed.
Team Member:
- Field Display Label - Team Member.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Assigned Employee.
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- Field Display Label - Date.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Date Field.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- No advanced options needed.
How do you feel about work?:
- Field Display Label - How do you feel about work?.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Happiness Scale.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Please elaborate on the above:
- Field Display Label - Please elaborate on the above.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - multiple line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
What went well this month?
- Field Display Label - What went well this month?
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - HTML.
- Value - What went well this month?
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Comments:
- Field Display Label - Employee Comments.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
What went well this month?
- Field Display Label - What went well this month?
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - HTML.
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Comments:
- Field Display Label - Employee Comments.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
Priorities for this month
- Field Display Label - priorities for this month.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - HTML.
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- No advanced options needed.
- Field Display Label - 1.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
- Field Display Label - 2.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
- Field Display Label - 3.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
Do you require any further support?
- Field Display Label - priorities for this month.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - HTML.
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Comments:
- Field Display Label - Employee Comments.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
Additional Comments:
- Field Display Label - Additional Comments.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
Employee Section Completed?:
- Field Display Label - Employee Section Completed?.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Workflow Step Completed.
- Field Access - Employee can update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Section Ends:
- Field Display Label - Employee Section End.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - End.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Manager Section Start:
- Field Display Label - Manager Section Start.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - Start.
- Values - Blank.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update.
- No advanced options needed.
Manager Section
- Field Display Label - Manager Section.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - HTML.
- Field Access - Employee can view only.
- No advanced options needed.
Manager Comments:
- Field Display Label - Manager Comments.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Text Area - Multiple Line.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- Click the Advanced Options toggle and locate the "Uneditable once completed" field - Yes.
Manager Section Completed?:
- Field Display Label - Manager Section Completed?.
- Mandatory Field - Yes.
- Field Type - Workflow Step Completed 2.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Manager Section Ends:
- Field Display Label - Manager Section End.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - End.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee final comments section start
- Field Display Label - Employee Final Comments Section Start.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - End.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Additional Comments
- Field Display Label - Employee Additional Comments.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Text area - multiple line.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
- Field Display Label - Date.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Date - Field.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
- Field Display Label - Workflow Step Completed.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Workflow Step Completed 3.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
Employee Final Comments Section End:
- Field Display Label - Employee final comments section end.
- Mandatory Field - No.
- Field Type - Section - end.
- Field Access - Employee cannot view or update field.
- No advanced options needed.
That concludes the creation of our monthly review form, you can add or takeaway form fields as you see fit, this is just a starting point so that you can then create a more bespoke form yourself.
For more general information regarding performance review forms here's an article from our knowledgebase: How do I build a performance review form? – Natural HR Support
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