Why is my employee's time off allowance incorrect?
Unwanted History Records
There are various reasons for an employee's time off allowance differing from the entered amount within the People -> Employees -> Benefits Page.
The most common of which is unnecessary history records causing proration, this can occur when a change has been made to their allowance part way through the year, depending on your time off settings the system may then prorate the employee's allowance between the two values.
To check if this is the case and resolve it navigate into:
Administration -> HR -> History -> Employee allowance history
You should ensure that only figures which you would like to have an impact on the employee allowances remain in this table; any unexpected figures or 0's in this table will be taken into account during the calculation. You can edit or delete figures from this table by clicking the Actions button followed by Edit or Delete.
Non accrue events.
Time off types can be marked so that employees do not accrue time off while they are taken, this can cause time off allowances to reduce where that isn't desired.
You can check if a time off type is set to not accrue whilst booked by navigating into:
Administration -> HR -> Time Off Management -> Time Off Types.
Then locate the time off type you'd like to check and click Actions -> Edit.
Once you're on the edit page just scroll down Deduction Settings section and locate the 'Continue to accrue whilst booked' field, if this is set to No then any time off taken under this time off type will cause a reduction in time off allowances for the employee that has taken it, if this is not the desired effect then change that to Yes.
Employee is/was a leaver and has a contract end date.
When an employee is made a leaver their time off is prorated accordingly, if they are then restored or their leaver status is removed before they actually leave it's possible that their contract end date has been missed and is still in the system, when this happens their time off will still be prorated and will cause their allowance to be lower than it should be.
To check and resolve this navigate into:
People -> Employees -> Edit.
then locate the 'Contract end date' field:
If it has a date within it but shouldn't simply delete it and click Submit, this should resolve any unwanted proration caused by that field.
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