How to make the performance split screen view visible to managers?
In the Performance Management settings of Natural HR, you have the option to enable split screen reviews for managers. This will show previous performance information from various sources:
- Goals
- Role competencies
- Reviews
- 360 feedback
- Social recognition
This makes it easier to view both previous and current performance information when completing the employee's current review form.
Click here to read an article on enabling performance split screen view for employees.
You can choose to hide or display split screen view content to managers when they are completing their employee's review forms, by going to
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Company Settings
In the 'Performance management' section, to display the manager's split screen view, select 'Yes' from the 'Performance review split screen' option. Below this you can specify how many entries of previous data you would like to view. In this case it would be the last 12 records of each review forms for employees.
As you can see in the example below, when the manager logs in and selects an employee performance review form to complete, once they select and employee and Save the form, the column on the right hand side is showing the data from the previous employee reviews as well as any applicable goals, role competencies, 360 feedback and social recognition for the employee.
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