Bulk updating Salary and Time off allowances
There are occasions where time off allowances and salaries may need to be updated across the company. To achieve this, a bulk update can be performed by going to:
Administration -> HR -> Bulk update
There are a number of fields to complete:
- What would you like to update? - select 'Salary' or 'Time off allowances'.
- What would you like to do? -
- Choose Increase or Decrease.
- Enter the number you want to increase or decrease by
- Choose Units or Percentage
- Create history record for changes - If you select 'Yes', the system will create history records for changed time off allowance and salary records - you can select 'No' if history records are not required.
Please note: If this option is turned off, there is no way to add these records in later.
- Selection method -
- Select 'Employees' to update employees, then select the 'All employees' check box if you want the change to affect all employees. Leave this un-ticked to manually select one or more employees from the drop down list.
- Select 'Metadata' to update all or some 'Job roles', 'Departments', 'Managers', 'Sites', 'Company', 'Cost centre', Business units' and/or 'Headcount classification' from the selection method pick list.
When you click on 'Submit' you will then be asked again if this is OK to action. This is because the Bulk update overwrites LIVE data in the employee file.
Please note: Once this change has been submitted, this cannot be undone.
In this example, only one employee has been selected for a salary increase so as an alternative, you could carry out this update by going to:
People -> Employees
Then update the salary or time off allowance by clicking on the 'Benefits' action and then scrolling down the page until you find those fields which can then be updated directly.
Please note that this uploader rounds updated salaries to two decimal places (i.e if currency is Pounds Sterling, to Pence rather than Pounds).
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