Workflows - Sensitive Messages
The following article refers to functionality in Workflow Builder, which can be found within Natural HR at one of the following locations depending on your configuration:
Administration > HR > Workflows
Often when using building a workflow, you may wish to send a message which contains sensitive employee information such as the employee's National Insurance Number, Salary Details etc. Whilst these emails are likely to only be sent to an internal recipient, you might not want to include these details in the text of the email itself, so that it cannot be seen by any party other than the intended recipient.
To aid with data security, any workflow step which generates an email has the option to send this as a Sensitive message.
You can enable this by checking this checkbox when building your workflow step:
When this option is checked the email sent to the recipient will contain none of the content of the message but, instead, will contain a link. On clicking the link, the recipient will be required to log in to Natural HR if they are not already logged in, and once logged in they will then be able to view the message text securely within the system.
If you need to send the same sensitive message to more than one recipient, you should set each of these up as separate workflow steps. When using the Sensitive Message function, you should not select multiple recipients in the same step.
Please note that the email subject line will be sent as part of the email as normal, so please do not include anything sensitive in the subject. Also, as the recipient will need to be logged in to view the message, the recipient of the message must have an active user account to log into the system.
Further Resources
Training videos on the topic of building workflows in general can be found here.
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