Rota Builder
To add a new Rota, navigate to
Time and attendance -> Rotas
Click the Add button at bottom left to create a rota and you will see the below:
This view will always default to the Monday of the current week in “Week beginning” and the dates for the days will match that date
If you need to change the week, click the drop down next to Week beginning and select the week you'd like to change to and then click Change Date at the bottom of the page – you MUST click change or this will not update the column dates etc
Note: simply by changing the date in “Week beginning”, the column dates have not updated
However, after clicking change, the column dates are now updated to the selected week
To add an actual rota entry, click the plus icon where the employee name matches the column date – for example, to add a rota for Daniel Parker for Monday 1st May click the Plus icon in the top left box.
This will then give you a screen like the below to enter the times.
On this pop-up screen, you can either enter the numbers directly (e.g. 1645 or you can use the time picker where the up and down arrows move you up and down one hour, minute etc per click)
Once you click save on the popup this entry is then added to the rota and the total time for that employee for that week is updated in the last column on the right (Hours):
If you need to delete a shift entry, simply click the corresponding delete icon (cross in a circle) and, to edit, click the corresponding pencil icon:
If when you enter or edit a shift, there is a clash you will get an error like the below and the shift will not be added/updated.
Please note: this clash is not just limited to what is visible on your rota but instead looks at the actual employee so they could exist on a different rota as the same time as you are choosing hence would error:
Additionally, if when entering a rota you notice an employee who has some of their days greyed out this means that employee is on leave on that day:
You can enter times in the greyed out days but you will notice a small warning banner when doing so:
At any time after entering your first item onto the rota, you can come out of the rota and your progress will be saved.
To then edit the rota again, when you go to Rotas simply click Actions -> Edit.
When you have finished entering all the shift times for your rota, you now need to submit this for approval.
To do so edit the rota and scroll to the bottom of the screen – here you need to enter a name for the rota and any optional comments then click Submit:
At this point, your rota is now Pending approval:
Once approved you will get notified and the status will change to Approved – not issued:
The final step is then to issue the rota – that is, to email the employees and put the shift entries onto their calendars.
To do so click the Actions button followed by Issue, the system will then display a message letting you know how many shifts the rota has been issued for:
Finally, this then changes the status of the rota to Issued:
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