Can i customise my social messages on the social stream?
Yes - When enabling the social features of Natural HR including the social stream and social recognition you have the option to create a custom message that is used as part of the social stream notification for various events.
You can set these in place through the social settings screen found by going to:
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Social -> Social Settings
Social Recognition Text
This is used so your users can recognise other employees and their recognition is posted on the Social Stream.
Users create the recognition via Self Service where they simply pick an employee from the dropdown and enter a citation. It is vital that you customise this setting so the message displayed is informative.
The fields you can use for this are:
[rec_firstname] – recipient’s first name
[rec_surname] – recipient’s surname
[sender_firstname] – sender’s first name
[sender_surname] – sender’s surname
[citation]– citation entered by the sender
An example message for this could be as below:
[rec_firstname] [rec_surname] has been recognised by [sender_firstname] [sender_surname] for: [citation]
This message would then be displayed as:
Aimee Hancock has been recognised by Mike Thomas for helping to meet an important deadline
If you fail to include the square brackets this would then be displayed as:
rec_firstname rec_surname has been recognised by sender_firstname sender_surname for citation
New starter text
If you would like a notification of a new starter to be posted to the Social Stream then you should enter the necessary text in this box.
Please note: this only works if the new starter is added via Add Employee or Quick Add Employee and not via Bulk Upload.
The fields you can use for this are:
[firstname] – new starters firstname
[surname] – new starters surname
Example message:
Please welcome [firstname] [surname] who started with us today!
This will be displayed like so:
Job change text
If you would like a notification of promotions or job changes to be posted to the Social Stream then you should enter the necessary text in this box.
The fields you can use for this are:
[firstname] – new starters firstname
[surname] – new starters surname
[new_job_role] – new job role name
Example message:
Congratulations to [firstname] [surname] on their promotion to [new_job_role]
This would be displayed as:
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