Change the colour of the menu bar, buttons and time off donut
Within the Enterprise version of Natural HR, you can change the colours of the menu bars, the time off donut and main buttons to be more in line with your company brand. You can do this by browsing to:
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Branding settings
Here, you can create branding templates which can be set to specific sites if required. Select New to create a new branding template to allocate to a site.
PLEASE NOTE: The system will have a default template in place named Moorepay HCM Branding Template. This will be the template that will amend your default system. Any other templates will edit the colour schemes that are allocated to sites only.
Top menu colour - the colour across the top menu bar
Top menu icon colour - the colour of the icons and text in the top menu bar
Left menu colour - the colour of the left menu bar
Left menu icon colour - colour of the icons and text in the left menu bar
Left menu highlight colour - changes the colour of the selected items in the left menu bar
Inner menu background colour - the colour seen in the menu when selecting an icon on the left-hand pane
Inner menu text colour - the colour of the text in the menu when selecting an icon on the left-hand pane - this can be used along with the inner menu background colour if, for example, your background colour is light hence this needs changed to a dark colour to ensure it shows correctly
Primary button colour - used as the "highlight" colour in the menu and main buttons throughout the system such as the "Submit" button
Secondary button colour - used for additional buttons where there's a few to choose from and these are typically the less well-used buttons
Main menu icon colour - the colour allocated to the icons found on the left-hand pane
Panel title colour - the colour of the text used in the headings for panels
Panel background colour - the colour of the background used in panels
Donut taken - This changes the colour of the taken segment in the time off donut
Donut mandatory - This changed the colour of the mandatory segment in the time off donut
Donut booked - This changes the colour of the booked segment in the time off donut
Highlight colour - This changes the main highlight colour from green to a colour of your choice
If your corporate colours are especially bright, it would be worth asking your marketing team for some options as they'll usually have a secondary colour pallet to choose from.
Darker colours work better than greys on the menu as the menu items are off-white.
Depending on your colour scheme, an all-white logo may look better in the top menu bar - to change your logo, have a look at our Uploading your company logo knowledgebase article.
The default version of the system:
A customised version of the system:
If you want to revert back to the default version of the system, you can do so by clicking the "Reset all colours and remove CSS" button. Please note: Some customer may have asked their web developers to make additional changes to the look of the system through the use of Custom CSS. If so, please take a copy of this code before resetting the system back to the default version.
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