How to delete or anonymise an employee or candidate
When an employee leaves the business, you can archive them via the 'Leaver' action, please click here for more information on how to do this. If you wish to remove an employee record, there are two options you can use to complete this:
- Delete: When you delete an employee this removes ALL data in the system about that individual. This includes all files as well as records in any modules plus the core files. If you then wish to find out what your company absence rate has been for the last 12 months you will not get an accurate figure as the previously deleted employee will not be included in the employee numbers nor the absence statistics.
Anonymise: Sometimes you may wish to remove any personally identifiable information about an individual whilst still retaining things such as their job information. Using anonymise, you can avoid the issue of a deleted employee not being included in reporting statistics whilst still respecting the right of the individual to have their personal data removed.
You could also include this anonymised information to understand salary, performance, headcount type data etc without actually being able to identify the individual in question.
The anonymisation process removes ALL files relating to the individual and also erases the following system fields:
- Works ID
- First name
- Middle name
- Surname
- Known as
- Title
- National insurance/social security number
- Date of birth (DOB) **
- Home and work telephone
- Home and work mobile
- Home and work email
- Skype
- Bank details
- Emergency contact details
- Full address including history records
- Work experience
- Education
- Skills
- Languages
- Driving licence
- Comments
** To allow age based reporting, DOB will be reset to 01/01 in the year the employee was born - for example, if the employee was born in 14/05/1984 then their DOB would change to 01/01/1984
Please note: Both of these options are permanent and cannot be undone.
How do I Delete or Anonymise an employee?
To Delete or Anonymise an employee, go to
People -> Employees
- Employee - Click on the 'Other actions' button then select 'Table view'.
- Archived employee - Click on the 'Other actions' button then select 'View archived employees'.
Click on the action button that opens an action menu at the end of each employee or archived employee line and you will see the available actions including 'Delete' and 'Anonymise' shown below.
Archived employees
Once either 'Anonymise' or 'Delete' is selected, you will be prompted with a message asking if you are sure you wish to make this change. If 'Yes' is selected (as mentioned at the beginning of this article) this change will be irreversible.
How do I Anonymise or Delete a candidate?
If a candidate fails to progress through your recruitment stages they may be rejected as being unsuitable for the position they applied. At which point you can choose to:
- Set inactive (Archive)
- Delete
- Anonymise
by going to
Recruitment -> Candidates
Find the appropriate candidate file in the card or table view. You will see the 'Set inactive', 'Delete' and 'Anonymise' Delete actions present alongside other Candidate actions.
Card view
Table view
Archived candidates
Once either 'Anonymise' or 'Delete' is selected, you will be prompted with a message asking if you are sure you wish to make this change. If 'Yes' is selected (as mentioned at the beginning of this article) this change will be irreversible.
You can also set up automated compliance rules to anonymise or delete archived employee and archived candidate data after a specified period of time, please click here for the support article covering this.
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