Employee Cards
An employee card is, as the name suggests, a card which has the pertinent information for a given employee, as well as links to all the possible actions which could be taken relevant to that employee.
To access an employee card, simply go to:
People -> Employees
On doing so, you are then taken to the Employee cards page where you'll see a Filter option and a drop-down populated with employee names. Click the name of the employee and their Employee card is loaded or alternatively you can also filter the list using the metadata options.
The Employee card will always include such fields as the Employee's name and image but you can also set what fields are displayed by navigating to Company -> Admin -> Settings -> Display Settings -> Employee module and setting 'Default employee module view' to 'Card', which will then bring up the available option.
The field options include:
- Coloured indicator
- Time off allowance / days taken
- Bradford Factor
- Unauthorised absence heatmap
- Team
- Social recognition
- Job title
- Department
- Job-status
- Site
- Region
- Manager
- Head of department
- Head of HR
- HR business partner
- Approver
- Super approver
- Cost centre
- Job grade
- Salary
- Required documents status
- Works ID
- System ID
- National Insurance
- Start date
- Length of service
- Contract end date
- Hours per week
- Work telephone
- Work mobile
- Work email
- Home phone
- Home mobile
- Home email
- In office / Current status (Shows In office or Returning date linked to Time off records and to Employee normal working days (if set) or Company normal working days - this section will also display their next booked time off dates. This is also related to custom Employee work statuses)
- Skype
- Custom fields 1 - 40
Additionally, on the right hand of the Employee card are links to all the actions which can be performed against an employee. These actions include:
Core details
View - Show all the information in the system relating to this employee on one screen.
Edit - Edit the employee file.
Change - Change the employees' manager, department, job title, job status and so on.
Medical - Enter medical information for the employee such as allergies.
Photo - Add a photo of the employee.
QR - Generated QR code.
Notes - Notes relating to this employee.
Grievances - A record of any grievances which have been filed by this employee.
Risks - View a record of employee risks.
Forms - View assigned forms associated to this employee.
Leaver - Process the employee as a leaver and archive.
Benefits - Update employee working days, hours per week, time-off allowances, salary and benefits information.
Payments - Track any extra payments outside of salary and expenses which have been made to this employee.
Documents and workflows
Documents - Upload documents which are attached to the employee file.
Workflows - The ability to allocate custom-built task workflows to this employee.
Time and attendance
Time off - View or add time off for this individual employee.
Map - Shows an annual view of the employees' absence (to view further information about the employee map, click here).
Triggers - Notification method which enables notification and a follow up action to be applied when a rule you have defined is “triggered" such as taking more than 3 days of un-authorised leave in last 6 months (to view further information about Triggers, click here).
Time sheets - View all timesheets which have been completed by this employee.
Working Pattern - Set/view an employees working pattern.
Reminders - Reminders for this employee.
Training - Training for this employee.
Reviews - Reviews for this employee.
Goals - Goals for this employee.
Competencies - Input and map employee competencies alongside required competencies in their current role. Alongside the development module, you can also map competencies alongside desired job roles. - (More information surrounding competencies can be found here.)
Development - Input an achievement the employee aspires to or has achieved.
Development roles - Input the desired future job role of an employee once they have expressed an interest in the promotion. - This feature works alongside the competencies module.
Succession - Set the successors for this Employee's role.
Assets - View assets associated with this employee.
Vehicles - Track any vehicles associate with the employee.
Systems - View/add systems to the employee record.
If you do not want to display employee cards, it is possible to change the view to a Table of all of your employees; to display employees as a table, select Other actions -> table view below the employee card.
When using the 'Table View', rather than being displayed on the card each of the employee interaction controls will be collapsed under the 'Actions' menu on the right-hand side.
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