Submitting a Mileage claim
There are two ways to begin submitting an Mileage claim on NaturalHR. From the Homepage you can click the Mileage button, or if it's hidden click More Actions -> Mileage:
Alternatively, you can navigate into Self-Service -> My Requests -> Mileage
after which you’ll be taken through to the screen below:
To add a new Mileage claim simply click the Add button, which will take you to the following page:
Complete the fields required on the report.
Report Name: e.g. Mileage April 2018
Report description: can be left blank unless your company has requested this field is completed.
Claim units: Select Miles or KM depending on which your company uses.
You can add up to 50 lines of mileage expenses to one claim. To add additional lines, click on 'Add line to add a single line or enter a number in the box as shown below and click 'Add multiple'.
The additional fields will now appear for you to enter your mileage dates and journeys.
Date – the date the mileage was incurred
From – the originating address or postcode
To – the destination address or postcode
Distance – if your company is using Google address lookup this will automatically populate based on the from and to postcodes entered. If not, this information will need to be manually entered. Your company may have provided a threshold at which you can override Google's distance field, otherwise, it will be locked and you will not be able to edit the distance.
If your company is using the Natural HR Timesheets feature and Timesheet references and tasks have been set up, you may also see these on your mileage claims. In addition you may also see a 'Billable' field where you can select 'Yes' or 'No' based on whether this should be billable i.e. whether this needs to be charged to a customer. These may not appear depending on your company's settings.
To add a return mileage line, click on the icon shown below
This will add an additional line to the mileage claim with the From and To fields reversed as in this example:
The 'Comments' box is optional unless your company has requested you expand upon the details of your journey e.g. "Visiting customer X".
Once all of the information is complete select the 'Submit for approval' button to submit the claim to be approved, or click the Save button if you'd like to come back to this claim at a later date and time.
You will see the mileage claim listed here pending approval or as a draft, at this time the employee can 'View', 'Print', 'Edit' or 'Delete' the claim.
The Employee can also view all of their mileage claims by going to
Self Service -> My requests -> Mileage
Where they will see their mileage claims as listed above.
The employee's manager will receive a notification email informing them that an employee has submitted a mileage report which requires approval, and asks them to login and process this request. Once the manager has approved or declined the claim, the employee will receive an email telling them if their claim has been approved or declined.
Managers, Finance, HR and Admin level users can also edit claims by going to
Finance -> Mileage
then they can click on the icon in the 'Actions' column, and then click on the 'Edit' action
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