Mandatory Documents
Within Natural HR, you have the ability to distinguish certain documents as "Mandatory Documents". Mandatory documents are types of documents which by law, certain companies are required to keep a record of. Examples of these types of documents could be, Passports, Driving licenses and Right to work forms.
Mandatory documents can be set up by going to:
Administration >HR> Data Management >Mandatory Documents> Mandatory Documents
Here, you can add a new Mandatory document type to the list.
Once a new document type has been added, when you are uploading a document to an employee file (on the employee card) you will be able to select whether or not this is a Mandatory document using a populated drop down list.
When uploading a mandatory document you will have the option to add an expiry date, and a date which you would like a reminder to be set notifying you of the document expiry date. This email reminder is set up as a reminder on the system and can be viewed (and edited if required) in:
Time and Attendance> Reminders
Or using the 'Reminders' icon on the employee card to whom the reminder refers.
A setting in Admin > Company > Settings > Company Settings determines who will receive reminders of this type by default. This setting can be found under the 'Notifications' heading and is labelled 'Default mandatory document reminder'.
Required Mandatory Documents
Whilst all mandatory documents are required, there are some which you will require more importantly than others - these are referred to as "Required Mandatory Documents". Some companies choose to set all mandatory documents to "required" whilst others choose to maintain the distinction - this is down to your preference.
To select which mandatory documents are required, go to:
Administration >Company> Required Documents
From here, you will be able to select which types of mandatory documents are required for both employees and candidates who are taking part in your selection process.
You are then able to clearly check the status of your required mandatory documents against employees by going to:
Administration> HR >Data Management> Mandatory documents> Required mandatory document check
The table will clearly display any existing documents in green, existing documents which have expired in orange and missing documents in red.
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