The contractors module allows you to store information regarding contractors or freelancers who are working with your company.
Before creating contractor records, HR or admin level users will have to create contractor categories which will sort the contractors into whichever categories you choose.
This can be done via:
Administration -> HR -> Data Management -> Contractor Categories.
Once on this page click the Add button to create a new category. There is only one field to complete:
Once at least one category has been created HR or admin level users will have access to
People -> Contractors
In this area, you can edit, delete and archive contractor records in the system.
Information fields for contractors include:
- Title
- First name
- Surname
- Other names
- Address
- Telephone
- Mobile
- Currency
- Pay - can be presented hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annually
- Location
- Rating
- Comments
- Contractor tags
- Date of Birth
- National insurance number
- Marital status
- Gender
- Nationality
- Ethnicity
- Right to work
- Disability
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