How do I add documents to training library courses?
When adding a new training course to the 'Course library', there is an option to upload one or more documents which can then be accessed by employee users when submitting a request for a training course or viewing a course that has been assigned to them by an admin, HR or manager.
To add a new training course, go to
Training -> Course library
After clicking on the 'Add' button, you will need to add the course detail for the new course. There is a 'Course attachment' option which will allow you to attach a single document by clicking on the 'Browse' button.
The new course is added to the library by clicking on 'Submit' followed by 'Cancel'. Here you will see all the library courses including the one you just added.
Uploading multiple documents
To add multiple documents to a course, click Actions -> Documents:
You will then be presented with a multiple document up-loader. You can either drag and drop documents into the window or click on 'Add files' then browse to, and select the files to be added.
Once the files have been added into the up-loader window, click on the 'Start Upload' button.
When the upload has been completed, the 'Status' will show 100% and a green tick mark for each uploaded document.
Viewing attached training documents
To view any documents which have been attached to training courses, you will need to go back to the training course library list via:
Training -> Course library
Here, you can click on the 'Documents' action to view the uploaded documents
At which point, any documents which have already been uploaded to the system will be displayed as a table above the up-loader for you to view or download.
Viewing uploaded documents as an employee
An employee can view the uploaded documents by going to
Self-service -> My development -> My training
and then click on the 'Course library' button. They can then click on the 'View' action. Here they can see the details of the course and also download or view the documents as required
Please Note: Updating the attached documents will automatically overwrite the documents without saving the previous versions - only showing the most up to date versions of the documents. Any previous versions should be stored in an alternate location such as Company Documents.
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