Adding User Accounts
Within HR the concepts of Employee Records (found at People>Employees) and User Accounts (found at People>Users) are separate. The Employee Record stores information about an employee and the User Account contains their login credentials and access rights to the HR system.
By default, creating an Employee Record does not create a User Account for that employee. This makes it possible to have an employee about whom you can store details and information, but who does not have the ability to access the system themselves and can't use the Employee Self Service, for example.
You can manually add a user account for the employee by going to the following locations:
People > Users (for Admin or HR users)
Administration > Company > Company Users (for Admin users)
Administration > HR > Company Users (for HR users)
This page displays a table view of the current users within the system. Click the 'Add' button at the bottom of the table to add a user account.
The exact fields on the form depends on the configuration of your environment and the fields chosen whilst completing the form.
First, choose the employee's name from the drop down list.
Note: If an employee doesn't appear in this list, the most common cause is that they do not have a work email address assigned to them in their Employee Record. An employee needs a work email address in order to create a user account.
Once you have chosen your employee the login name will be pre-populated with the employee's work email address. Most of our customers use the employee's work email address as the login name, but otherwise this login name must be a valid email address.
If your employee's work email address was inputted incorrectly then you can change this here and then tick the "Update employee work email address" checkbox. This will also update the work email address in the employee record when you submit the form.
The next fields deal with the user's password. Here you can click the icon to automatically generate a secure password for the user (recommended!) or enter your own password in the two fields provided.
Following this you can then choose your employee's 'User status' (Enabled or Disabled) and their 'User group', which controls what general level of access your employee will have to the system. These range from Employee (lowest access level) to Admin (highest access level).
There is a support article available here describing the available access levels, but if you are unsure about which access level to apply please check with your HR team or contact support for further advice.
The permissions section will contain various options depending on which 'User group' you have chosen, in this example the 'User group' selected is for a Manager. One option which is available to all user groups is 'User modules templates', which allows you to apply a template of access credentials to the user, which can be used to further customize what level of access the employee will have to the system.
Click here for further information on Module Templates.
There are two further options at the bottom of the page, the first is to customise the user's localisation settings. This includes their language, locale and date/time format. If you choose not to reveal these options then the user's localisation settings will follow the company defaults.
Check the checkbox to reveal these options:
These settings can also be changed by the user themselves once logged in by clicking on the Localisation menu option under their name in the top-right corner of any page in the system.
Finally, there is also an option to send an email to the user on account creation, this will then provide them with an email with their account details and a link to log on.
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