Bulk uploading documents
Within Natural HR, it is possible to upload Employee Documents in Bulk as an Administrator or HR User.
There are two tools, referred to to as Employee Document Uploaders, to facilitate the bulk upload of employee's documents.
There are two tools, referred to to as Employee Document Uploaders, to facilitate the bulk upload of employee's documents.
You can find these by going to:
Administration > HR > Data Management > Employee Document uploaders
The two uploaders have different use cases depending on how your documents are structured on your computer and how you wish them to be added to Natural HR.
Bulk uploader
The 'Bulk Uploader' can be found at:
Administration > HR > Data Management > Employee Document uploaders> Bulk uploader
And can be used in the following Use Cases:
- You have a zip file per employee and you want to load all the documents for that employee in the zip file into the same folder, with the same visibility settings for all documents.
or - You have documents of the same type (e.g. PDF's of payslips) for multiple employees and want to upload them all into the same folder for each employee with the same visibility setting for all documents.
This uploader is not suitable for use if the documents require different settings (for example, visibility) or need to be uploaded into different folders.
When you open this page, you will be presented with a number of options which relate to how the file(s) should be named and how you would like Natural HR to process them.
- Please select an employee folder - Choose a folder to store the documents in. If the documents need to be stored in different folders, this is not the appropriate tool. See the "Zip uploader with preview" instead.
- Order - This defines how the file should be named. This is important so that Natural HR can recognise the employee the file can be uploaded against. The available options are:
- first name -> last name
- last name -> first name
- worksID-> first name -> last name
- worksID->last name -> first name
- worksID
- Seperator - This defines how the file should be named. The "seperator" divides the elements of the filename. So for example, if you chose the first naming option above and an underscore for the separator, your file should be named eg "john_smith.zip". If you choose the second naming option, and a comma for the separator, it should be named "smith,john.zip" and so on.
- Ignore - If you have files all of which have a common text in their name, which does not relate to the employee's name, you can ask the system to ignore this text. So, for example, if all of your payslip files are named eg "john_smith_payslip.pdf" you would ask the system to ignore "_payslip". The system would then be able to identify the file as belonging to John.
- All documents visible to employee? - If set to "Yes" then all of the uploaded documents will be visible to the employee. If set to "No" then they would be visible to their manager, HR users and Administrators but not visible to the employee.
- Include archived employees in employee 'search'? - If set to "Yes-current and archived" or "Yes-archived only" then archived employees will also be included when searching for Employees. If set to "No-current only" then only Active employees will be searched for.
- Are these files all photos? - If set to "Yes" then all the files included will be treated as employee photos and uploaded as their photo. If you choose "Yes" here the Employee Folder option will be ignored.
Once you have set these options, add the files by clicking the Add Files button or by drag-and-drop into the space underneath these fields. Once you've added your files, click on the Start Upload button to upload the files into Natural HR.
If, for any reason, the above does not work for you e.g. you want different documents to go to different folders or some documents should be able to be viewed by employees whilst others should not then you will need to use the second option.
Zip Uploader with Preview
The zip uploader with preview is used if you have a zip file containing multiple documents of different types for multiple employees. This allows you to upload this zip file to the system in a single operation:
Administration > HR > Data Management >
Employee Document uploaders> Zip uploader with preview
Employee Document uploaders> Zip uploader with preview
This uploader accepts a single Zip file. Click on the Browse button to locate the zip file and then the Submit button to upload it. The zip file will be processed and the files within it displayed. There are no special requirements for the name of the zip file or the files contained therein.
You will be given a preview of each document and be able to choose the employee to upload it against, as well as several other options:
- Choose the employee - Select the employee's name here.
- Choose the category - Select the employee document category to store the file in (if you are uploading employee profile pictures, leave this at "None").
- Profile Image - If the document is an employee profile image, choose "Yes".
- Document visible to employee - Choose whether the document is visible to employee (Public) or to their manager, HR users and Administrators only (Private).
If the document is a file which can be previewed, such as an image or a PDF, the system will show you a preview of the document next to the options. If the document cannot be previewed (a Microsoft Word document, for example) then you will be given a link to the document.
In this example, the documents do not need to have a specific naming convention but, if you do have employee names in the individual filenames, we will try to match the employee based on the name automatically without you needing to select them - you can, of course, change this if it is incorrect.
Whilst this option is more time consuming it is also a lot more flexible as you have complete control over each document.
If you are unable to classify all of the documents in one session, you can return at any time to the Zip uploader with preview and click on the Uploads button at the bottom of the page. This will display a table listing all of the uploads performed by date:
Click on the Manage button in the Actions column to continue classifying the documents which have not yet been classified.
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