Clocking In & Out with QR Codes and Visitor Management
In Natural HR it is possible to sign both staff and visitors in and out of your business locations using tablets (or any internet enabled device with a front facing camera) and ID cards at the entry and exit points to your office.
This allows for accurate reporting of who is in your office and also in the current climate allows for historic 'Track and Trace' reporting needs.
How to Set-up QR codes
To first set up QR codes check that the module is turned on under Module Display found in -
Administration>Company>Settings>Display Settings
After this has been done, you can go to-
Administration>Company>Settings>QR settings
These settings will control the size and layout of the ID card which is produced to use with the QR reader, once finished you'll be able to generate something similar to the ID card below -
All the fields are by default empty and can have values added to meet your needs. Once you have set this up press submit to save your settings.
The 2nd step is to set up the device logons for the tablets that will be used to sign in and out on, this can be done by clicking QR users at the bottom of the QR settings page in the previous step.
Whilst it is possible to have a single login for all devices, we recommend you set a different login per device as this allows you to report on which device was used to clock in as well as allowing different settings per device - for example, you may only want to allow visitor management at one entry point.
This will present a screen similar to this:
Login name - Username for the QR device login
Password - Password for the QR device login
Password (again) - Confirmation of the password
Site - Site where the QR device will be based
Visitor management - This can be turned on for devices that will be signing in staff and visitors, this allows for the tracking of who is in the system for Fire safety and Track and Trace historic data (see further down the page for more information)
Camera Flip - Can be used on devices where the camera being reversed means that the direction of movement is not as expected.
Active - This allows the login to be disabled should a device be lost or stolen
The final step is to create ID cards for staff to use to clock in and out, this can be done by going to -
Under each employee card, there are a series of options and by clicking on QR you will be taken to a page like the one below where you can print an ID card for the employee -
Print - will print this card to your selected printer
Regenerate - will allow you to regenerate the QR code should the card be lost or stolen. Note, you would then need to print the card again in this instance.
How to Sign-in or out
Once you have set up the QR codes on the system, on the device you are looking to use you will need to go to this will take you to this page -
From here enter the login name password set up for this device in the 2nd step above and you'll be presented with a screen similar to the one below
From here you can clock in or out by clicking the appropriate button and the passing the QR code in front of the device camera.
This will then create a corresponding record in Time tracking for the employee.
Visitor Management
In Natural HR using the QR clock in feature, it is now possible to track visitors to your company as well as your staff. This can then be reported on for Health and Safety requirements.
To set up Visitor Management
When setting up the device logins there is an option for 'Visitor Management' if you set this to yes you'll then also have the option to show a message on sign in and out as shown below as well as determine how the visitor can sign out.
If you are using numbered cards or badges for your visitors then you should leave "Use visitor card number for sign out" set to Yes - that way when the user signs out they simply enter the badge number and that badge number gets signed out.
However, if you are NOT using badges etc, then you should set "Use visitor card number for sign out" to NO - this means when the person comes to sign out they will be asked to enter their earlier entered contact number and the system will find and sign them out from that number.
When you the login on a device which has this enabled you will see the screen below -
Clicking on Staff will give you the normal clock in and out options, however when you click Visitor you can then sign in as a visitor where you will see the following screen -
This allows you to record the name, telephone number and company name of the visitor, the name of the person being visited as well as their 'Visitor Number' this is the number that is on their visitor lanyard (not created through Natural HR) along with the declaration from the user set up above.
Once the visitor is ready to sign out they click on Visitor>Sign Out where they will be presented with this screen -
Depending on the option chosen above for "Use visitor card number for sign out", they will then either be asked to enter their card number or their telephone number so they can be identified.
They just need to enter their visitor number and read the declaration before pressing sign out.
To complement the QR sign in and out system we have a new data source in Report Builder called 'Visitors' which allows you to report on visitors and staff sign-in and outs. This is in addition to time tracking dataset which just reports on staff time records.
In Report Builder when you select 'Visitors' you will get the following initial field options -
Below is an explanation of how each field works -
Visitor Type - This will show either staff or visitor
First name - The first name of the staff member or visitor
Surname - The surname of the staff member or visitor
Contact number - The contact number of the visitor or work phone number of the staff member
Company name - If it is a visitor this will be their company name, otherwise, it will show your company name
Visiting - Name of person being visited (Blank if it is a staff log in)
Time in - The time the visitor/staff member signed in
Time out - The time the visitor/staff member signed out
Device login name - Login name of the device used to sign in or out
Card number - Visitor card number (Blank if it is a staff log in)
Employee works ID - Work ID for the staff member (will be blank for a visitor)
Employee email - Email for the staff member (will be blank for a visitor)
Employee department - Department for the staff member (will be blank for a visitor)
Employee job title - Job title for the staff member (will be blank for a visitor)
Please Note - All times shown are in UTC and not the local time zone
The report can then have the usual filter, groups or aggregates applied to it. To find out more about builder reports this article will help - Report Builder
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