Company Users - Other Actions
In HR's Company Users section, there are several options available when clicking the 'Other Actions' button at the bottom of your screen.
You can find the 'Users' section by going to the following locations:
People -> Users (for Admin or HR users)
Administration -> Company -> Company Users (for Admin users)
Administration > HR -> Company Users (for HR users)
Although the system does notify you to state what each option will do when you select it, this article will outline the function of each action for when you may need to use it.
Enable/Disable ALL accounts: When you create a user account in HR, you can decide whether you want the user to be able to access the system or not. In the list of users, alongside the username and their work email you will see a column titled 'Enabled' which displays the status of that user account. On an per user basis, you can click on the 'Edit' (pencil) icon and scroll down to 'User Group' to change the user's status. However to do this in bulk, the 'Enable/Disable ALL accounts' function can be helpful.
When using the 'Enable/Disable ALL accounts', this will enable/disable ALL user accounts (not just those visible on the screen or the ones you may have selected) regardless of their user level etc, so if you have not used this option before but are considering doing so then please contact Support beforehand.
Auto generate employee accounts: This will generate a disabled Employee-level user account for any employee who does not already have a user account. The system will be looking for a "work email address" to be defined on the employee file in order to do so and if one is not present then an account will not be created.
Please note, the login details will not be sent to the employee as part of this process, this will simply create a disabled user account with a random password for all employees with a work email address for whom an account does not currently exist.
Auto assign manager accounts: Any existing user account for an employee who has other employees reporting into them will have their user account changed from an employee to a manager level account. Please note this will assign MANAGER level access to all users who have employees reporting to them, which may also mean you will need to adjust their secondary user groups as required.
For more info on User Groups click here.
Reset and Resend: This will allow you to reset and resend user login details (where email is being used as a login name). You will be able to select the applicable users where this is required.
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