Creating and using Natural HR Tickets
Natural HR provides a Tickets facility to allow employee and manager access level users to communicate with HR and admin access level users.
All tickets can be saved and archived once they are resolved. This ensures that there is always a saved record for future reference.
Enable Tickets
To enable this feature go to
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Display settings
In the 'Module display' section, check the 'Tickets' option then click on 'Submit' to save your change(s)
The 'Tickets' icon will appear on the top menu bar for all users:
Set up HR mailbox
The HR mailbox is the email address to which notifications from the system will be sent - when a new ticket request is submitted, HR will receive an email to let them know that an enquiry has been received. This should already be set up but you can confirm by going to
Administration -> Company -> Settings -> Company Settings
In the 'Notifications' Section, input mailbox email address into the 'HR Mailbox' field. Make sure you click on 'Submit' to save your changes
Set up Ticket Types
As an admin user, click on the 'Tickets' icon in the top menu
Click on the 'Setup' button
- Add a name for the 'Ticket type'.
- Select 'Yes' or 'No' for 'Manager only'. If you select 'Yes' then the ticket type will not be available to employee users.
- Select 'Active' from the 'Status' dropdown option.
- Click on 'Submit' to save your changes.
- Click on 'Cancel' to go back to the Tickets page.
You will see the 'Ticket type(s)' listed here. Click on the 'Add' button the add more ticket types as required.
Creating a ticket
Now the Ticket types are set up, a manager or employee user can create/raise a ticket by clicking on the 'Tickets' icon on their top menu bar.
Initially there will be no tickets found, the user clicks on 'New' to create new and subsequent tickets.
- Select from the available ticket types from the 'Ticket types' dropdown
- Enter the 'Ticket subject'
- Enter information about the ticket in 'Ticket body', click here for information about formatting the ticket body content.
- If required, click on the 'Add attachments' icon to add documents, images etc to support the ticket.
- Click 'Send' to send the ticket to HR
The HR user will see a red notification icon appended to their 'Tickets' icon telling them there is a new ticket. Click on the 'Tickets' icon to view the new and review existing tickets
The tickets are listed here, you can see the status of the ticket(s) i.e. 'Open' or 'Closed' the date they were created and the date of the last reply. Click on the 'Read' action to respond to the employee who raised the ticket.
The HR user can read the ticket, if applicable, click on the attachment which will open in a new browser window, and then click on 'Reply' to respond to the ticket.
Enter a reply, add an attachment if required then click on 'Send'
The employee who originated the ticket will see a red notification icon appended to their 'Tickets' icon telling them there is a reply to their ticket. Click on the 'Tickets' icon to view the reply
The employee clicks on the 'Read' icon to read the reply
The employee can read the ticket, if applicable, click on the attachment which will open in a new browser window, and then click on 'Reply' to respond to the ticket.
The employee can enter a reply, add an attachment if required then click on 'Send'
The HR user can then click on 'Close' followed by 'OK' or 'Close and archive' followed by 'OK' to close the ticket
The ticket will appear in the Tickets list with a status of 'Closed' for the HR user
and the employee user. However, the employee can 'Read', 'Reply' or 'Reopen' the ticket or create a new ticket by clicking on 'New'
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