Updating Work Emails
There may be times when you need/want to update a an employee's work email the below article will show how you can do this and some things to watch out for when you do.
Employee Profile
First place you can do this is in the employee's profile:
People -> Employees -> Core Details -> Edit
You will find the work emails in section 3
If the employee has a user account you may wish to also update there login details luckily in the edit section you have the option to update the users account when updating the work email by ticking the box below the work email field.
With this ticked when submitting the change it will update there User account
Alternatively this can also be done the other way round in People > Users by ticking a similar box when editing a user account.
Bulk Upload option
If you are needing to update multiple employees work emails all at once a quicker way to do this would be using the Bulk upload 'Update employees' If you download the example CSV and enter in the new work emails and upload it will upload all the employee's work emails at the same time.
Important note - Using the Bulk upload will not give you the option to update the Users Login, you will need to use the bulk upload Company Users to set that to the same one making sure you set the 'Login Enabled' field to 1 so the user accounts stay active.
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